The House Hunting begins...
We have officially started house hunting! Unofficially I have been at it for months two years but don't tell J :-)
We have been working towards getting home to Ireland for Christmas to start the hunt and now that it's not too far away (13 weeks mam) we have been looking at houses that fit our budget, preferences and ideal location so we can look to set up viewings for when we get back.
Now I'm obviously not gonna share what we have our eyes on {coz I'm mean like that} until the paper work has been signed and the keys handed over but I though I'd show you a little bit of whats available if you have a few Euros to spare and fancy an Irish holiday home .
I am crazy about this place. I can see a "French Chateau" inspired transformation happening here. It's just too far from our search area unfortunately.
Crushing on this thatch!
These houses are all in the province of Munster in the south of the country. They're a mix of county Kerry, county Limerick and county Clare and under 90,000 Euro. All easily accessed from the U.S with direct flights into Shannon Airport or a scenic drive from Dublin, Galway or Cork :-)
Any one fancy taking on one of these projects and being a neighbour?!
Michelle xxx
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